About Folklaur...

Folklaur Studio is the creative home of Lauren Bello Okerman.  The studio represents a crossroads of creative ventures in architecture, art and design, where the mission remains loyal to innovative and thought provoking work.  Folklaur embraces collaboration, exploration and innovation.    


Lauren Bello Okerman resides in Truckee, California which is near Lake Tahoe which is some in California and some in Nevada.  She's lived some in the Mountains, and some in the City (San Francisco), so some on the West coast, and some on the East coast where she was born and grew up, and went to school.  She studied some Science (Neuroscience) at Colgate University, and some Art at the Rhode Island School of Design, where she received her Masters in Architecture, which, as a discipline, is, coincidentally, some Science and some Art.  Her practice of Architecture has led her back to doing some Illustration, as well as some Sculpture, and some of a little of everything, and it's all here on this one website.

Lauren is currently is the Creative Director at Coalition Snow, designing progressive skis and snowboards for women, and Creative Director of SISU Magazine, uncovering the untold stories of the outdoors.